Sooo cute! =3
Sooo cute! =3
Wow, this song is amazing... I'd love to give you a nice review of it, but having read so many long reviews, I don't know what to say... =(
I voted 5/5 (x5.02) and downloaded it, though. I'm planning to give you another vote tomorrow.
I think that this is your best composition ever. I liked it a little bit more than your Plains theme, that was already amazing.
Congrats for the 150 fans! You really deserve that. >:D
And remember that I really appreciate your notifications. You're a great musician, and I love hearing your creations.
P.S.: This new NG layout is dizzing me... @_@
Oops, I just realised that I didn't respond to this review... Sorry, I blame the new layout :3.
Thanks for reviewing!
"Wow, this song is amazing... I'd love to give you a nice review of it, but having read so many long reviews, I don't know what to say... =("
Well, after SBB's three-account review, I don't blame you :P.
"I voted 5/5 (x5.02) and downloaded it, though. I'm planning to give you another vote tomorrow.
I think that this is your best composition ever. I liked it a little bit more than your Plains theme, that was already amazing."
Aw thanks! I did consider the Plains Theme my best for a while, but I suppose I'm glad you think this is better in your opinion!
"Congrats for the 150 fans! You really deserve that. >:D"
Hehe, thank you! I'm up to nearly 170 now - the massive amount of support I'm getting from this song alone is just amazing.
"And remember that I really appreciate your notifications. You're a great musician, and I love hearing your creations.
That's really nice to hear. I'm very grateful for the support!
"P.S.: This new NG layout is dizzing me... @_@"
Lol, I don't blame you! Although I beta-tested it a few days before it was launched so I knew my way around when it got launched.
Anyhow, thanks again!
My 'New World'.
Although this is not my favorite music genre, I have to admit that you've done a great job here. This is the first time I get hooked to a song like this one.
The beginning is great; it starts quiet and softly, and the song builds up smoothly. That must be pretty hard to make, but knowing your other songs, I know you have skills at making music.
The bassline is very catchy, and I love the flute, especially when it does the "Bb - C - - Bb - C" notes. The piano fits perfectly well. I love pianos (I play the piano), and its notes are perfectly well placed.
This song has an unique ambience. It gives you such a great, relaxing feeling, as if you were dreaming endlessly; something that I've seldom experienced while listening to a song like this one.
A dream of a new world, something that starts being obscure, you don't know where you are, so you stand up and start your expedition. You're alone. There is almost no vegetation, just cactus and rocks. The wind is blowing strongly, the sand is flying and striking you, trying to stop you. But you don't listen to it. You just continue. You don't feel the force of the wind. You're being guided by your desire. The desire of finding the place where you're travelling to, despite of that you don't know where are you travelling to. You're just moving forwards. Because you know that, even if you have to travel for days, months, or years, if you keep the pace and don't give up, you'll get to the place where you've always wanted to be. Because, even in those moments where you say you would prefer to be dead, there is always hope. Because, instead of seeing the world's worst face, it's better to see its best face. Because that's the new world.
That's what I can imagine.
And I've been listening to this song for almost thirty minutes (while writing this review). Let's say that you've brought me to a new world for thirty minutes.
Thanks for notifying me of your new submission. You deserve the 10/10 and a 5/5 (x5.01) from me.
And let's make a final question (destinated to anyone who wants to answer it).
¿What's your 'New World'?
Wow, thanks so much :D. I really appreciate the long review and writing the scene which this song made you imagine too!
This is the first time a song like this got you hooked? I'm impressed actually, songs like this get me hooked instantly. In any case I'm glad it interested you!
Intros are kinda hard, I agree. My biggest difficulty when making an intro is making the song start interestingly but still make sense along with the rest of the song. Intros aren't really my strong point.
I love pianos too. I've used a piano in loads of my submissions (and I play piano as well). I'm a sucker for its sound, diversity and the fact that it fits so well in so many genres.
The scene you wrote is awesome, I'm flattered that this song made you think all that!
Anyway, thanks for the large review. If I had the ability to add reviews to my favourites, I'd add this one!
Thanks again :3.
Back to the past, in only one click.
Wow, it's so hard to find a remix of any Ristar songs... And it's even harder to find a great one! Like this one! :D
I've downloaded the game (in a .bin file) and an emulator to play it... that was more than a year ago.
I remember the fight with the snowballs... And the Planet Sonata (the 2nd stage was wicked!)... And Automaton! >:D
Well, back to the song!
I enjoyed the whole song, and didn't find anything wrong on it. It sounds so smooth and peaceful, that you can clearly imagine yourself playing that amazing game called Ristar...
I'm writing this while listening to the song, and it has been looping for a long time (15 minutes, I guess), and I'll never get tired of it.
It's amazing the fact that, despite of its simplicity, it never gets old. Because it relaxes you, and paints a soft smile in your face, at any moment you listen to it.
I was going to say something about the ending. That's the only thing that I didn't think of it as "the best" (from my point of view, of course). I mean, you made the song to fade out, but then, it ends with an oboe that I hadn't heard in any part of the song.
Maybe, if instead of decreasing the volume you did something different (read below), it would have sounded a bit better.
I'll explain you carefully what I mean with that:
Since 2:34, instead of slightly decreasing, the volume always keeps at the same level.
Then, at 2:47, the oboe begins to sound, but then, at 2:52, you don't hear it anymore, and makes me think that it was a bit "useless". So, instead of replacing the original flute, you should have kept it.
But every single note was perfectly well placed, and I wouldn't change anything else.
But... what about the poor oboe?
Let's give it a place; it would feel sad if we throw it away...
Because it sounds nice, doesn't it?
So, what about replacing the background flute, that sounds from 1:57 to 2:14? I guess the oboe would sound nice there. ;)
Of course, these are just my ideas about how could you make this song to be closer to the *Perfection*. I'm not saying that you've made something wrong on it. As I've said before, I loved the whole song, and I'm just sharing with you what I think of it. ;)
Woah... I haven't reviewed for three months, so this review has all those words I didn't write in that period...
But well, I'm glad I clicked this song, I found it while playing a game.
And, of course, you deserve my 5/5 and the 10/10 from my review.
When I have the time, I'll check out some of your songs. ;)
What can I say?
The guys below me said all...
This song is very relaxing, and I really love the pan flute. It adds more ambience to... wait... ambient! I would put this song in Ambient genre... Well, that's not important.
This is definitely going to be in my favorites. Downloaded to add it to my playlist (because I need some chill-out music, since my playlist is filled with madness-like songs, punk rock, and industrial...)
Voted with 5 / 5. And thanks for telling me about it. You and Echo did a great job. ;)
Hey thanks for the review!
"The guys below me said all..."
Yeah I'm getting quite a few large reviews ^^.
"This song is very relaxing, and I really love the pan flute. It adds more ambience to... wait... ambient!"
Actually some people don't like the pan flute and others do. Can't please everyone I guess.
"I would put this song in Ambient genre... Well, that's not important."
Yeah I hate it when people give low scores just because the name or genre of a song is badly chosen.
"This is definitely going to be in my favorites. Downloaded to add it to my playlist (because I need some chill-out music, since my playlist is filled with madness-like songs, punk rock, and industrial...)"
Ah well I'm glad that you like this even though you're used to hearing those type of songs ^^.
"Voted with 5 / 5. And thanks for telling me about it. You and Echo did a great job. ;)"
Thanks to you for such a great review!
This sounds pretty good...
You did a great job removing the vocals from the song. Also you added new notes, and changed the order of the patterns, making it sound interesting.
This is not repetitive, that's great.
But you kept the ambience of the original song, and the same pitch. So, when I listened the first 10 seconds, thought instantaneously that you stole the song. I was close to zero-bomb you.
Until 0:16, when I noticed that this hasn't vocals (I said that was a good change).
So, please, edit your Author comments, and give credit to zirconmusic, who made the original song. Also, I suggest you, give the link just like this: " m/audio/listen/271030", with the space in the middle.
Otherwise, the people will think that you just stole the song.
thank u i didnt think of that, i know how many ppl must think i took this song for my own, so in the future if i re order or change it just a bit ill give the original credit.
Age 29, Male
Joined on 9/8/10